Champion Roughs & Smooths
Northern California
(707) 696-5559
Foggy Bay Collies was founded over 30 years ago beside the shores of San Francisco Bay. Since then we moved north to the Valley of the Moon, and have been happily nestled on Sonoma Mountain for over 25 years. Our collie family is noted for its type and soundness, and our limited breeding program ensures that every Foggy Bay collie is raised as a house dog. We are active in conformation and you can visit many of our champions on this site. Members of our family have had great success and earned many titles in the herding, agility, scent work, rally and obedience rings. We work hard to ensure that a Foggy Bay collie is a dog for all reasons, and we are very proud of our collie family's accomplishments. We hope you'll step inside and learn more about our dogs and our history.
Rough & Smooth Collie Breeder
Puppies occasionally available
Please note: Every puppy must be picked up at Foggy Bay by their new family. We do not ship!
Diane Parness
Collie Club of America
California Collie Fanciers
American Working Collie Association
Collie Health Foundation
National Canine Scent Work Association
CH Castlebar Surf's Up At Foggy Bay
CH Cyndella's Pandamonium x Castlebar Stardom Bound
Gentry's Foggy Bay Firelight of Arrowhill
CH Gentry's Ricochet x GCH Campbell of Arrowhill
Foggy Bay Sudden Snowstorm, NA, NAJ, RA
CH Lisara's Merrytime Whistle Blower, HT x CH Castlebar Surf's Up At Foggy Bay
Foggy Bay Keep Your Cool
CH MACH Foggy Bay Starry Night Of Sealoch, UD GO RAE PT MXB MJB XF T2B x CH Sunnivale Wish Upon A Star
Foggy Bay The Light Fantastic, HSAs, SWE, SCM, SEM, SBM, BCAT
(CH Foggy Bay Seaside Rodeo x CH Castlebar Surf's Up At Foggy Bay)
(Rodeo x Surf)
Trip has been very busy with herding and nose work. He's off and running in both arenas, and he's soon to try his luck in the Rally ring!
CH Creekwood Tullamore Dew of Foggy Bay
(GCHP CH Creekwood Lochlomun I'll Be D'amned ROM x CH Creekwood Cindy Lou Who)
Tully sailed into Foggy Bay on the 4th of July. She's been a firecracker ever since! Tully finished with 3 majors at the San Diego CC specialties, setting a course for her Daughter Blarney and Grandson Dublin
See more performance exploits on
Performance Stars!
CH Foggy Bay Luck Of the Irish
GCHG Ceilidh's If I Can Dream x CH Foggy Bay Gift Of Gab, SWA, RN
(Memphis x Blarney)
Part of Our Gang from the Trip & Tully litter--Harley, Roddy, & Blarney
Trip wraps up his HSAs title in fine style by going HIGH IN TRIAL at the German Shepherd Dog Fanciers of Northern California trial!
CH Foggy Bay Gift Of Gab, SWA,RN
Foggy Bay The Light Fantastic x
CH Creekwood Tullamore Dew Of Foggy Bay
Dublin wrapped up his title in short order. Much like his Grandmother and Mother, Dublin snatched three 5 point majors within two days at the Arizona Collie shows. All this before he turned one year old!
CH Foggy Bay Red Hot Summer
Foggy Bay The Light Fantastic, HSAS BCAT SWE SCM, SEM, SBM x
CH Creekwood Tullamore Dew Of Foggy Bay
(Trip x Tully)
Roddy, brother of Blarney and Harley, is another bright light in the Foggy Bay family.
Foggy Bay Heatherlyn Court & Spark
GCHG Ceilidh's If I Can Dream x Foggy Bay Heatherlyn Ain't She Somethin'
Our new arrival is a ball of fire and a ton of fun!
Spark just earned her first AKC Scent Work title: Scent Work Novice
& her first NACSW title: ORT
She's only just begun!
Scroll down to meet more stars of the Foggy Bay Family!
Blarney stepped out on the Arizona circuit and picked up 4 majors in 3 days to earn her Championship title. She follows in the pawsteps of her Mother and Son. We can't wait to see what's in her future in the Performance ring and the whelping box!
Special Announcement!
The California Collie Fanciers are sponsoring an Odor Recognition Test under the auspices of the National Association Of Canine Scent Work! The event will be held in Napa, CA at the Napa Valley Dog Training Club. It is open to dogs of all breeds. Both handler and dog must be enrolled in the NACSW. Our event is scheduled for Sunday, June 15th, so you have plenty of time to enter. Scent Work is the fastest growing canine sport. The ORT is the gateway to all NACSW trials. Join us! Click below to see our Premium list and entry form.